These plans can be tailored
to fit your unique needs
“We’re here to discuss your pains, needs and frustrations. We will find a winning solution for everyone.”

CSBT- You support your community, let CSBT support your employees
Do you provide important services to people in your community? If so, you may be eligible to join a special benefits program called the Community Services Benefit Trust. CSBT is a unique program created by [...]
Heroes are human! Benefits Uniquely Designed for Firefighters.
Want to grow and strengthen your volunteer crew and protect your staff? We can help! Solutions available for helping to recruit, retain, & support wellness include: Health and Dental Plans Flexible Health Spending [...]
Island Kids Cancer Association Golf Tournament
Our team at Integrated Benefits & Cooper Financial were proud to Support the Island Kids Cancer Association as a hole sponsor at their first annual golf tournament. It was inspirational for our team to see [...]